


Two Basic Facts03

Therefore, we study the aniccam of all things until we know well the truth of impermanence. Then we do not become attached to anything. The mind that is not attached to anything will proceed to realize that which is permanent(niccam), wh…

Two Basic Facts02

Such knowledge can be summarized in two areas : that which is compounded(sankhara, concoctions), that is , those things that have causes and conditions, and their opposite, that which is non-compounded. These subjects can be studied thro…

Dhamma・Two Basic Facts01

In all things ー both those that make up " me " and those that are connected with " me " ー there is truth that must be known. If we do not know such truth , or understand it incorrectly, our involvement with life is incorrect. This causes…


正見が深まれば、 あるがままに観れるはず。 そして、沈黙も深まるだろう。